Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Brownies + Movie & Popcorn

The first week that I was back in Kigali, there was a national holiday on a Thursday; that meant no school!  So I had the students over to learn how to bake brownies as well as watch a movie.  

They had never heard of brownies, nor had they heard of M&Ms (which we mixed into one of the batches).  I even took it to a whole 'nother level by teaching them the trick of adding Symphony bars between layers prior to baking.  After the brownies were gone, the boys literally scraped the pans with forks to dig out any remaining pieces - it was quite a sight!

Microwaveable popcorn also was an unknown concept to them.  Another crowd pleaser.

After taking on vote on 4 movie possibilities, "Rat Race" won, and we indeed had a captive audience.

Three wins for the afternoon!

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