Sunday, February 23, 2014


 As I opened the garage gate on a Saturday morning, out of nowhere, a chicken flew out.  I have no idea how it got into our yard, since our house has a full fence around it.  After several attempts to chase it to our gate and send it on its way, I gave up.  I didn't want it to die from starvation, so I fed it crackers and a banana.

When Monday rolled around, I showed Eugene the chicken.  The first thing he said was, "NKOKO," which means "chicken" in Kinyarwanda.  He picked it up and then let me hold it; it was quite an entertaining morning.  Then I told him that he should take it home with home = free eggs!

At the end of the day, I helped Eugene tie Nkoko's legs together so it couldn't easily escape in transit to his house.  Then he put him in a sack and headed home!

And that's the end of the story...

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